Saturday, December 13, 2008

Vintage 'Bling' Collecting

Vintage Costume Jewellery Brooches

Why pay a lot for modern plastic and glass when there are beautiful pieces of vintage jewellery being thrown out everyday.
I thought this one day at a Vide Grenier (Car Boot or Garage Sale).
I have since accumulated several vintage sparkles, mainly brooches. I buy from sales and from selected sellers on the internet. I also sell some of the pieces when I have worn and loved them, although the selling happens less often.
I find myself wondering – where was it made - who was the first owner - where was it worn - what tales could it tell? What is the metal, is it gold plated, are the stones glass, are they semi precious?
The brooch above was one of the first in my collection. It was made in Czechoslovakia probably in the 1920's. The frog is also Czech but has less age possibly 1940's
The different pins and closures on brooches and necklaces can help with the dating. As do the cut of the stones and the style of the setting.
The main questions I ask myself are – do I like it and will I wear it?
I fund this collection by also buying pieces that although lovely are not ‘my thing’ so these I sell on to the appropriate collectors.
Yes I have made mistakes both in buying and selling but none too great and I love the challenge to find that ‘magic’ piece.
From a longing of all things feminine and no longer in use I also started a collection of Powder Compacts, but, thereby hangs another blog for later.

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