Saturday, May 30, 2009


This butterfly/moth brooch has a gold plated body head and antennae but the wings are carved from shell. It is only a small brooch but very attractive and a bit different.

This small light weight brooch is quite common and comes in manu colours and a variety of shapes. They are normally found to be made in China or Korea. The main part is made from a tin like metal and the wings have an enamel look but are more likely to be foil under a plastic coating. There are collectors who stick just to these as there is such a selection to find out there.

This is a similar butterfly brooch.
This time with white metal and longer antennae. The colours are more vibrant.

This butterfly is large. It is more than 4 inches across. It is almost like stained glass when held up to the light and is made by pouring liquid glass, I believe. The photo doesn't really do it justice.
It is quite a modern piece.


  1. Wow.. love the idea of butterfly brooch. Thanks for posting these beautiful pictures here. Loved reading through this post.
